Good nutrition is a vital component of a healthy pregnancy. It is important for you to eat regular, wholesome, well-balanced meals each day, with foods from the Basic Four food groups included.
Nausea and vomiting are common during the first few months of pregnancy. NESTREX and EMETROL are two over-the-counter medications which are safe and usually effective in controlling nausea. If frequent vomiting persists, please call the office.
A diet consisting of small, frequent meals may help you avoid that queasy feeling. An empty stomach only aggravates the problem. You may also find that liquids are better tolerated between meals, instead of with food. The following foods are usually well tolerated.
- Crackers
- Popcorn
- Cooked fruit
- Cereal
- Broiled meats
- Dry toast
- Broiled potatoes
- Poached eggs
- Carrots
- Jello
Ginger, Vitamin B6, and acupressure bands (ASEA Bands@) may help to control nausea. Acupuncture may also be helpful in severe cases. Some foods may need to be restricted or eliminated if heartburn or gastric distress occurs. Foods noted to cause problems for some people include fried, spicy or rich foods. Strongly flavored vegetables may also be bothersome. Constipation is another problem you may encounter that may be relieved or prevented through diet. Helpful measures include increasing your intake of high fiber foods and fluids, especially water. Stool softeners such as Colace, Dialose and Metamucil are acceptable.
The following foods are usually effective in promoting regular bowel movements:
- Whole grain bread products
- Lettuce
- Fruit juices
- Figs
- Bran cereals
- Prunes
- Raw or cooked fruits and vegetables
These measures may also help to prevent hemorrhoids, which are aggravated by constipation and subsequent straining during bowel movements.
A common complaint during pregnancy is heartburn. Sitting up for at least one hour following meals may be helpful. You may also try an antacid such as Tums, Rolaids, Maalox or Mylanta, at a maximum of 8 per day. Tums and Rolaids also provide additional calcium, which is very beneficial for all women, especially during pregnancy. Tums and Rolaids are occasionally recommended for patients who suffer from muscle or leg cramps for their calcium value.
If you are overweight, now is not the time to go on a diet. Calorie restriction during this time is potentially harmful to both you and your baby. Instead, a balanced diet, with restriction of junk food, should be the focus. Calories derived from candy and snack foods should be avoided because they add no nutritional value.
In addition to eating regular, well-balanced meals, it is a good idea to supplement your diet with foods that are high in iron and calcium. The suggested intake of iron is 30-60 mg per day. This cannot be met by diet alone. A vitamin supplement will be added to reach these requirements.
The following foods are high in iron content:
- Lima beans
- Almonds
- Beef
- Raisins
- Kidney beans
- Pork
- Pistachios
- Apricots
- Shrimp
- Greens
- Spinach
- Oysters
- Prunes
The suggested intake of calcium during pregnancy is 1300 mg per day if you are under age 18 or 1000 mg per day if you are age 19-50.
The following foods are high in calcium content:
- Spinach
- Peanuts
- Almonds
- Scallops
- Yogurt
- Hummus
- Navy beans
- Ice cream
- Greens
- Fortified
- Ocean perch
- Cheese
- Orange juice
- Tofu/soy beans
- Figs
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your diet or nutritional standing, please feel free to contact the office.
You may take Tylenol (or a generic equivalent) during pregnancy for headaches and other discomforts. Aspirin and Ibuprofen products (Motrin, Advil) and Naproxen (Aleve) products are not recommended during pregnancy. If you develop a cold or sore throat during your pregnancy, you may take throat lozenges and small amounts of decongestants and/or antihistamines. Products containing chlorpheniramine, guaifensein, pseudoephedrine and/or dextromethorphan are generally considered to be safe during pregnancy. Tylenol Cold, Triminic, Contact Cold, Comtrex, Sudafed and Robitussin are possible choices. Watch labels on other medications for alcohol. You may also develop the flu at some point in your pregnancy. Kaopectate may be taken for diarrhea. Flu shots are available during flu season.
If your temperature rises above 100.6 or if your symptoms persist for more than three days, please call the office. Please do not take any other drugs or medications, prescription or over-thecounter, without first checking with our office to determine if they are safe for you to take while you are pregnant or nursing.