Colorado’s beautiful winters can have a negative impact on the comfort of your eyes when temperatures drop, winds blow harsher, and the air is dryer. Ophthalmologist Donald McCormack, M.D. offers winter eye care tips.
Smoke from western fires is expected to linger in Boulder County this fall. What can you do when wildfire smoke causes eye problems? Ophthalmologist Dr. Donald McCormack talks about ways that you can get relief from eye irritation caused by smoke.
Ophthalmologist, Ken Kreidl, MD: Understanding the various lens options is essential before having cataract surgery. Your overall eye health will play a big part in determining which lens will give you the best results. Which is best for you?
by Dr. Donald McCormack, MD Ophthalmology Specialist at Boulder Medical Center Dry eyes is a common condition in Colorado during…
by Dr. Donald McCormack, MD Ophthalmologist at Boulder Medical Center Dry Eyes and Dry Eye Disease are common maladies in…
August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month. As children and parents gear up for back to school, remember that healthy vision is critical to academic and social success. Learn more about taking care of your child’s vision and eye health from infancy to adulthood.
Ophthalmologist Donald McCormack, MD defines the difference between “classic” and ocular migraines shares, symptoms, triggers, and treatments.
Many eye conditions — potentially blinding ones — don’t have early symptoms. And some serious diseases that affect other systems…
Now that spring is here and Covid guidelines are easing up in many areas, I want to share some of the sports-related eye injuries that I see in my ophthalmology clinic and offer tips to protect your vision while enjoying Colorado’s active lifestyle.
For cataract surgery patients, The Acrysof PanOptix® trifocal intraocular lens offers three focal lengths, a marked improvement over older style lenses. An overview by Ken Kreidl, MD, ophthalmologist.